
Common Financial Pitfalls by Decade

Walking on trail

Money habits naturally change over time. 20多岁的年轻人不太可能像计划提前退休的中年收入者那样花钱. Credit Karma/Qualtrics的研究发现,近40%的千禧一代都是FOMO消费的受害者 , or you classify yourself as an intermittent saver, 几乎每个有收入的人都希望避免充满经济压力和不确定性的生活.

在通往财务安全的道路上,经常会遇到不受欢迎的意外和干扰. But, if you know what to watch out for along the way, 这样你就有更好的机会避免道路上可能导致债务的鹅卵石, insufficient savings, and poor credit. Review this list of money pitfalls, sorted by decade, 并发现你可以做些什么来避免犯这些常见的财务错误.

In Your 20s

Borrowing Too Much

不管是常春藤盟校的大学教育还是第一辆车, 20多岁的成年人通常现在就想要它,并会为此而负债. But, without a plan to pay for tuition or other expenses, many young adults end up with more debt than they can handle.

If you graduate from college with the average student loan debt of $32,731,你可以每月花300美元以上,至少10年,把余额降到零. 带着沉重的债务开始你的成年生活可能会让你陷入财务困境.

Avoid This Pitfall


Speak with your financial aid office to uncover additional options. Or, be patient and save until you can afford what you desire.

Skipping Savings Altogether

After you've landed your first full-time job, you might feel rich. 赚得比以前更多是一种令人兴奋的感觉. That is until the bills come due. 除去房租、水电费和车贷,你可能只剩下足够娱乐的钱了. 你最不可能想到的就是为未来存钱. 这可能是一个巨大的错误,因为在存钱方面,时间是站在你这一边的.

Avoid This Pitfall

Pay yourself first. If your employer offers a matching retirement saving plan, i.e., 401k, invest at least up to the matching amount. Your future self will thank you for your planning wisdom. Saying no to an employer match is like saying no to free money.

In Your 30s

Excessive Credit Card Spending

在这一点上,你可能已经添加了几张信用卡到你的财务库中. Due to their convenience, 你可能会用它们来买你想要的东西,而忽略价格标签. A recent job promotion justifies the uptick in spending. But if you look around, 你可能会注意到你买的东西在短时间内很有趣, but they still cost you long after the party's over. For example, when you no longer have an interest in using your ATV, RV, or boat, 你仍然需要偿还贷款,支付存储和维护费用.

Avoid This Pitfall

在你为退休储蓄分配了资金并建立了应急储蓄储备金之后,为重要的开支做好准备. When you're ready for a financial splurge, 寻找另一种方式来获得同样的体验,比如租房而不是买房, using coupons, or splitting the cost with other people.

In Your 40s

Attempting to Meet Everyone's Needs

During this time of life, 你可能会觉得你必须在成长中的孩子的经济需求和即将到来的大学费用之间做出选择, aging parents who need additional care, and your retirement account that isn't as hefty as you'd hoped. To make matters worse, 你可能会感到压力,要从你的退休储蓄中取出钱来帮助你的孩子和父母. This financial squeeze could devastate your financial future.

Avoid This Pitfall

在你接触你的退休账户之前,和一个合格的财务顾问谈谈你的选择. 你需要了解提前取款的风险和惩罚,并探索满足家庭需求的替代方法.

In Your 50s

Being More Than a Knowledge Bank

如果在此之前你的财务生活一帆风顺——恭喜你! 也有可能你已经从早年的一些财务失误中恢复过来,在50多岁时财务状况更加稳定. 你的生活经历也让你成为家庭中财务建议的“首选”人选. While being a knowledgeable resource is a beautiful thing, 被认为是一个总是借钱或担保的人弊大于利. You don't want to jeopardize what's taken years to accomplish.

Avoid This Pitfall

Establish boundaries and stick to them. Turn to your experience, not your good credit or bank account, to help friends and family members in their time of need. 别忘了,你可能很快就会有婚礼费用和退休计划.

In Your 60s

Underestimating Future Expenses

Do you have enough money to retire at age 67? What happens if you access Social Security benefits at age 62? How will you pay for healthcare in retirement? 这些问题的答案最好在人生的每个阶段去思考, 但许多人可能会等到这些问题摆在他们面前时才给予他们应有的关注. While numbers vary by source, 这些答案取决于你存了多少钱,以及你想要的退休生活方式.

请注意,医疗保健是最被低估的退休成本之一. 富达投资公司(Fidelity Investments)估计,今天退休的65岁以上已婚夫妇将需要 $285,000 to cover healthcare costs alone.

Avoid This Pitfall

Review your retirement portfolio early and often. 邀请另一双眼睛来检查你的财务状况,通过安排一个免费的计划来确保你的生活阶段适当的多样化, 与合格的投资服务专业人士进行无义务咨询. 他们可以讨论你的具体财务状况,帮助你找到更好地为退休做准备的方法.

在每一个十年里,你处理金钱的方式要么会让你跌倒,要么会为光明的未来铺平道路. 如果你在金钱上犯了错误,让你很难重新站稳脚跟, we might be able to help.
